Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Tim and Carol are BOTH first born twins!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Skype in Johannesburg

Ever heard of Man, it's the best thing since sliced bread with marmite and cheese! We've just been on the phone with family in Seattle. Already we've used it with our children in PA. What a blessing this is as it really cuts costs.

What is Skype you say? Well, go to and see for yourself. The download is free. Using Skype from computer to computer is just the cost of a local phone call. Calling Skpye to a land line (SkypeOut it's called) is just pennies. Last night we were on the phone with Carol's Dad in Portland, OR for about an hour and that cost about $3.00.

OK, enough computer talk. All that to say however how very blessed we feel to be able to "chat" with folks so cheaply. We've even had "conference" calls between our office leadership team here and the leadership team in SC, and all for the cost of a local call -- and that was a two and half hour discussion!

This reminds me though of the fact that communication with our Savior has got Skype beat hands down. We can talk to God at any time, from any where, about anything and for as jolly long as we please. WOW! And it costs NOTHING! I love Eph. 3:12 "Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come fearlessly into God's presence, assured of his glad welcome." (NLT)

Let's face it folks, COMMUNICATION is a gift! Thank God for the ability to do so!


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