Kopp Twins

Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Tim and Carol are BOTH first born twins!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Big Bird" in South Africa

A few weeks ago we took a couple to visit the Rhino and Lion Park situated just outside of Johannesburg. It proved very worthwhile in that we saw a lot of different animals and the experience of it was enhanced by managing to be there at feeding time.

One of the things we watched with fascination was a seeming "stand off" between the male ostrich ("Big Bird"!) and four huge rhino as to which would have first rights to the food! From a human perspective, that would seem a no brainer!

In Job we read "The ostrich flaps her wings grandly, but they are no match for the feathers of the stork. She lays her eggs on top of the earth, letting them be warmed in the dust. She doesn't worry that a foot might crush them or that wild animals might destroy them. She is harsh toward her young, as if they were not her own. She is unconcerned though they die, for God has deprived her of wisdom. He has given her no understanding. But whenever she jumps up to run, she passes the swiftest horse with its rider." (39:13-18 NLT)

In a nut shell, lacking in smarts but FAST!

The difference between "Big Bird" and us is that wisdom is available to us -- all we have to do is ask God for it and he will "give it generously." Unfortunately, there are times when we run fast in our own thinking and forget to ask God for wisdom BEFORE we "jump up to run." May He help us to slow down, ask Him for wisdom needed to make the right decisions and through all of that, bring glory to Him.

In this part of the world, people actually ride ostriches like horses -- mostly for the fun of it. One has to hang on for dear life in the process, and be careful not be kicked when disembarking!

As we left this park, this "lady" came and stuck her head right into the front door window. What they lack in wisdom they make up for it in curiosity.

And bad hair days!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

"Crabby" in St Lucia


Isn't this an interesting little fellow? How do you like those eyes? Aren't they something else! This little crab we found (and managed to catch) on the beach at St Lucia, located a little south-west of Swaziland on the coast of South Africa, right on the Indian Ocean. We were enjoying a few days holiday away from Johannesburg.

These crabs come out of the ocean and dig holes in the sand into which they scamper at speed anytime they feel like it, and especially when "humanoids" come upon them! They move sideways only, left or right, and extremely fast. We managed to get a hold of this guy and by holding his pincher, we were able to get a good look at him. How do you like the way those eyes stick straight up? When you turn the crab upside down, the eyes automatically retract into the grooves you see just below them. Just as fast as you rock him back and forth, those eyes go in and out of those grooves like a machine!

For as fragile as they are in appearance, they must have tremendous strength. No matter how fast you try and dig them out of their holes, you can't catch them. This is a lean 'n mean diggin' machine like you've never seen!

To watch them race around on the surface of the beach sand, one gets the distinct impression that they are filled with joy, delighting in their environment with passion, strength and determination. They are really fun to watch.

This reminds one of Psalm. 28:7 where David says, "The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust in him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving."

When danger is near, these crabs are in their holes in the sand, their "shield from every danger." Otherwise, they're out on the beach moving at speed with lightness of foot as they "burst out in songs of thanksgiving"! At least it seems that way!

We pray this will be our own testimony -- those whose "shield from danger" is God himself, and also the one about whom we cannot contain but "burst forth in song" of his greatness, faithfulness, generosity, and goodness in countless ways.

To the ends of the earth is our aim;
Let us bear to the lost Jesus name;
Tell the nations His story;
Fill the earth with His glory;
To the ends of the earth is our aim!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Something out of whack!

When traveling by air, the first thing is to get into an aircraft that is capable of flying. A qualified pilot would be unnegotiable. Seating would improve the comfort over long distances -- even short for that matter! And as it was, this particular craft was rife with hornets nests.

Last week in northern Mozambique we had the opportunity to check out this "grounded" aircraft. It sits miles from any airport. How it got to where it is parked is anyone's guess.

We thought that it might make a unique restaurant, not that we were hungry for we had just eaten. How about an unusual motel, not that we were looking for one -- we were staying with our field leader in the comfort of her home.

Some things though really seem out of whack at times don't they? This was one of those times. On our way home to Johannesburg, we were in FIVE different airports. We had to deplane at each one climbing down the ladder out of plane just like the one in the picture. OK, not quite "like" this one -- we were in one that worked, had a qualified pilot, and actually took off from a proper runway! There weren't any hornets either.

The Teacher in Ecclesiastes makes an interesting statement. He writes: "Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don't fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked?" (7:13) Sometimes what may seem all out of whack in our lives and experiences are that way because God has been at work. We usually think of God as one who is working at straightening out the crooked paths in our lives, or leveling the mountains we're having difficulty climbing over. But here the Teacher says God actually makes things crooked! I wonder why? Just so we think things are all out of whack? Just to prove to us that we live in a fallen and broken world? Maybe.

For sure though God is a God who knows what he is doing! For whatever the reason or purpose. Our responsibility is to notice God at work, AND then to fall into line. No sense in fighting God, that is for sure, even if what is expected of us seems a little out of whack, or not quite according to our plans, thinking or expectations. God loves to work outside the box! Let's let him do it. And let's be good at noticing God at work. Above all, let's fall into line.

If we do, in all likelihood, at the end of the day things may not seem quite so out of whack after all!

Monday, May 08, 2006

"Hanging" in Jo'burg

Ever seen one of these things? It's the chameleon and they can be found all over southern Africa.
Most Africans don't like them. Apparently they are right up there with snakes and the like!

Why do people run from them? Perhaps it's their "split" feet with the tiny claws (nails) on the end; or perhaps it's the way their eyes wonder simultaneously in different directions always checking things out; their scaly cold feeling skin isn't terribly cuddly; they have a tongue with this sticky "thingy" on the end that shoots out at close to lightning speed for flies or grasshoppers; maybe it's because they move so slow and deliberately as if on a cunning or secret mission; or perhaps it's due to the fact that when they are angry, they change to all black, their throat/chin puffs out and shows a reddish organge and they HISS!

As kids we used to catch the babies and keep them as pets in empty match boxes! It was always fun to put them up to a screen window where flies where trapped and watch them very carefully move both eyes forward and focus for the kill. And if you didn't watch you'd miss the action of a flies demise as it became hamburger!

Chameleons are good at hanging on! Their slow deliberate way exudes patience and determination. They usually get to where they're going, no matter how long it takes. Changing their colors to suit the situation is all part of the package! Great creatures for sure!

The author of Hebrews wrote "Let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish."

This is our prayer, that we will "hang in there" with our eyes fixed (focused) on Him.

Monday, March 06, 2006

The "Big Five" in Botswana

Last week, Carol and I along with some good friends visiting from PA drove up to Botswana. It's a beautiful 5 hour drive for which we loaded the CD player figuring we'd have lots of time to listen to some worship music together. Well, we never turned on the radio -- we talked continually there and back. What wonderful fellowship!

The purpose of our trip was to visit our SIM colleagues and also to touch base with the Flying Mission, the agency to whom many of our SIMers are seconded. Thanks for your prayers -- all went well and we managed to see and spend time with all we'd hoped and planned for.

In many ways Botswana is a difficult place to minister, though just driving through the capital city of Gaborone wouldn't necessarily give one that impression. HIV/AIDS is rife; complacency is evident; interest in the Gospel in many arenas is waning, and the need for a meaningful relationship with God not so pressing. Perhaps this is due partly to the obvious wealth in the country -- rich in diamonds, a stable government, or? One is left guessing.

On the wall outside the small 5 room lodge where we stayed was an artist's rendition of the "Big Five" -- rhino, lion, elephant, leopard and cape buffalo. Tourists pay big money coming from all over the world just to see these magnificent creations of God. In every tourist shop in this part of the world one can buy T shirts, caps, carvings -- you name it -- with the Big Five imprinted in some way. It's as if people are almost consumed with it all.

Reading these days in 2 Timothy 2:21-22 we've observed a far more important "Big Five": 1) "KEEP yourself pure, 2) RUN from anything that stimulates youthful lust, 3) FOLLOW anything that makes you want to do right, 4) PURSUE faith and love and peace, 5) ENJOY the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts." (NLT) This is faith in action; Christianity where it meets the road; the challenge of the Gospel; joy fulfilled; and all something that should consume us! May it be so. This is our prayer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Warts" in Jozi!

This is Hamilton! The piglets are named Hawthorne, Harriet and Henry. Yes, there are indeed 'three little pigs' -- Henry is looking out through Hamilton's back legs. Trust us, he is there; you know, the shy one!

Note that the piglets don't have warts. Ever wonder why? Perhaps you never knew, or even cared but the fact of the matter is that the 'young'ns' just don't seem to have warts. The older they get, the warts start appearing, growing and definitely adding to the overall ugliness of the grown warthog! The tusks aren't really at the top of the list for finishing touches either. But there you have it: ugliness in the flesh!

Isnt it wonderful that we're both saved by and under God's grace! He loves us, warts and all. We find that often our work is most difficult with the 'grown ups'! Warts, tusks, bristled hair -- you name it-- all become apparent in aging warthogs. So as we grow up, what do we begin to look like? Or act like? How accepting are we of others with their warts and all? Certainly we can't expect others to be any more accepting of us than we are of them.

Brennan Manning in his book The Ragamuffin Gospel writes: "Over a hundred years ago in the Deep South, the phrase used to describe the breakthrough into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ was 'I was seized by the power of a great affection.'" He goes on to say, "The phrase lent new meaning to the old Russian proverb, 'Those who have the disease called Jesus will never be cured.'"

We pray that our 'warts' won't be so obvious that they distract from the fact that in and by Christ himself, we've been seized by the power of a great affection. This reminds one of the chorus "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me..."

Truth be known, Hamilton is so unbelievably ugly, he is beautiful! A creation of God for our pleasure! God grant us the ability to see the beauty of Jesus in others.

By the way, the Hamilton you see in the photo is a cement sculpture which sits right outside our bedroom window! Wow -- what a view!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

"Safe" in Johannesburg (Jozi)

Any ideas on how to move a one+ ton safe? Well, the three heftiest chaps in the office took it on as a challenge. That was a laugh for sure. We couldn't budge the thing.

The safe sits in a closet under the stairwell -- what we figured to be the safest place for a safe, not than any thief is going to come in and take it out on his back! Following the burglary of computers, we thought this might also be the saftest place for the network server. Although there is plenty of room in the closet, the safe needed to be pushed back to the back wall. The "man gene" in us led us to believe "this would be a breeze." All we did was lay cozily in the closet on our backs and grunt and groan. So l to r in the picture you've got Tim K, Russell Pratt and Tim Barrow. All with shattered pride!

So we decided to call in the "professionals". Now that was indeed a smart move because they took care of it in about 30 minutes. They had the right equipment, expertise and time! That was their job! Not ours. So now the safe sits in the back corner of the "safe" room. If ever we want to remove it, our first advice would be to "leave it to the professionals!"

Well -- all in a days work! The outstanding repairs and beefing up of security systems are all things we're waiting on others to do. We don't have the know-how even we did have the "genetic inclination!"

Speaking of safes -- safety is something we are daily cast upon the Lord for here in "Jozi". Crime in this city is high, in fact renown. We rest in the fact that God is here too and nothing takes him by surprise. Pray for us in this regard -- for safety, peaceful hearts that are at rest in Him.

Safely in Jesus!