Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Tim and Carol are BOTH first born twins!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Something out of whack!

When traveling by air, the first thing is to get into an aircraft that is capable of flying. A qualified pilot would be unnegotiable. Seating would improve the comfort over long distances -- even short for that matter! And as it was, this particular craft was rife with hornets nests.

Last week in northern Mozambique we had the opportunity to check out this "grounded" aircraft. It sits miles from any airport. How it got to where it is parked is anyone's guess.

We thought that it might make a unique restaurant, not that we were hungry for we had just eaten. How about an unusual motel, not that we were looking for one -- we were staying with our field leader in the comfort of her home.

Some things though really seem out of whack at times don't they? This was one of those times. On our way home to Johannesburg, we were in FIVE different airports. We had to deplane at each one climbing down the ladder out of plane just like the one in the picture. OK, not quite "like" this one -- we were in one that worked, had a qualified pilot, and actually took off from a proper runway! There weren't any hornets either.

The Teacher in Ecclesiastes makes an interesting statement. He writes: "Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don't fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked?" (7:13) Sometimes what may seem all out of whack in our lives and experiences are that way because God has been at work. We usually think of God as one who is working at straightening out the crooked paths in our lives, or leveling the mountains we're having difficulty climbing over. But here the Teacher says God actually makes things crooked! I wonder why? Just so we think things are all out of whack? Just to prove to us that we live in a fallen and broken world? Maybe.

For sure though God is a God who knows what he is doing! For whatever the reason or purpose. Our responsibility is to notice God at work, AND then to fall into line. No sense in fighting God, that is for sure, even if what is expected of us seems a little out of whack, or not quite according to our plans, thinking or expectations. God loves to work outside the box! Let's let him do it. And let's be good at noticing God at work. Above all, let's fall into line.

If we do, in all likelihood, at the end of the day things may not seem quite so out of whack after all!


Blogger Sandi said...

Sometimes I think I ought to be further along on this faith journey than I am. It seems I should be grown up by now...know what I mean?

I was especially intrigued by the mention of a hornet's nest. In the midst of everyday stuff, there is sometimes this sense of something hovering; anxiety, fear, insecurity, worry, etc.

I'm being incredibly stretched in this 50th year of my life. New challenges and blessings; life changing events I never saw coming. I don't feel prepared or qualified. Your insight from the Word is of great encouragement.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts...."
(Is. 55)

Thanks so much for sharing what God is doing in your lives. You are such a blessing.

Miss you greatly. Hope to see you sooner than later.

Much Love,

9:47 AM  

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