Kopp Twins

Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Tim and Carol are BOTH first born twins!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Big Bird" in South Africa

A few weeks ago we took a couple to visit the Rhino and Lion Park situated just outside of Johannesburg. It proved very worthwhile in that we saw a lot of different animals and the experience of it was enhanced by managing to be there at feeding time.

One of the things we watched with fascination was a seeming "stand off" between the male ostrich ("Big Bird"!) and four huge rhino as to which would have first rights to the food! From a human perspective, that would seem a no brainer!

In Job we read "The ostrich flaps her wings grandly, but they are no match for the feathers of the stork. She lays her eggs on top of the earth, letting them be warmed in the dust. She doesn't worry that a foot might crush them or that wild animals might destroy them. She is harsh toward her young, as if they were not her own. She is unconcerned though they die, for God has deprived her of wisdom. He has given her no understanding. But whenever she jumps up to run, she passes the swiftest horse with its rider." (39:13-18 NLT)

In a nut shell, lacking in smarts but FAST!

The difference between "Big Bird" and us is that wisdom is available to us -- all we have to do is ask God for it and he will "give it generously." Unfortunately, there are times when we run fast in our own thinking and forget to ask God for wisdom BEFORE we "jump up to run." May He help us to slow down, ask Him for wisdom needed to make the right decisions and through all of that, bring glory to Him.

In this part of the world, people actually ride ostriches like horses -- mostly for the fun of it. One has to hang on for dear life in the process, and be careful not be kicked when disembarking!

As we left this park, this "lady" came and stuck her head right into the front door window. What they lack in wisdom they make up for it in curiosity.

And bad hair days!